ICS Class, is a Recognized Organization (RO), Recognized Security Organization (RSO) and Classification Society (CS) authorized to offering statutory/class certification and services on behalf of flag states under mandatory rules and regulations, requirements established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and national legislation. ICS Class Quality Management System has been designed and implemented in compliance of the requirements established in the standard ISO 9001:2008 and IMO Resolutions MSC.349 (92) and MEPC.237 (65) “Code for Recognized Organizations” (RO Code), to provide statutory/class certification and services to existing ships.
ICS Class is member of the International Association of Recognized Organizations (IARO) since June 22nd 2008, member of the Pan-American Institute of Naval Engineering (IPIN)since July 08th 2012 and member of the International Association of Technical Survey and Classification Institutions (TSCI) since May 20th 2015.
Over the last 10 years ICS has coped with ever-changing challenges and has gained undeniable authority and worldwide recognition.
Today, the assignment of the ICS Class to a ship is a confirmation of the fact that the technical condition of the ship ensures her safe operation and protection of the marine environment from pollution, nowadays more than one hundred ships are maintained under ICS Class.
ICS has gained more experience in applying the Rules and Regulations for the Classification and Construction of Ships as well as all statutory requirements which regulates our technical activities.
The ICS takes an active part in preparing and performing certification of shipping companies and ships for compliance with the International Management Code for Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code). ICS has been authorized by other flag state administrations to perform certification of shipping companies and ships for compliance with the ISM Code.
The compliance of ship design, construction and operation with the international conventions, codes and other standards is essential for the prevention of marine accidents. The problem of promoting safety at sea involves the estimation of risks for humans at sea. The application of ISM Code can significantly increase the safety of fleet operation under ICS certification, since the implementation of the ISM Code will minimize the errors due to the human element.
ICS is increasingly involved in the certification of ships for compliance with the International Ship & Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) as Recognized Security Organization authorized by other flag state Administrations.
Particular attention is paid to the training of personnel in order to improve the qualification of ICS surveyors worldwide.
ICS Class is a member of Intermaritime Group (IM Group), which also is formed by different companies providing a vast array of services available to ship owners and managers (ship registration, crew licenses, crew training, radio accounting authority services, INMARSAT service activation, marine legal consultancy, etc.)