Chinese PSC Inspectors Begin Issuing IMO Sulfur Limit Citations

The marine insurer Standard Club reports that Chinese authorities have cited at least two vessels for non-compliant bunker fuel use since the IMO 2020 0.5 percent sulfur limit took effect on January 1. The first ship was undergoing a port state control inspection in Qingdao when the Chinese Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) determined that it was using fuel oil with… Read more →

New Requirements for Service Suppliers in China

From 1 august 2019 New regulations came into force for the control and monitoring of service suppliers in China for the categories and equipment listed below. China MSA have issued clarification of the requirements, so that foreign service suppliers who only conduct services on foreign-flagged ships, which do not require a fixed location workshop (such as thickness measurement, non-destructive testing,… Read more →

IMO meetings and future legislation

We produce documents for the various International Maritime Organization (IMO) Committee and Sub-Committee meetings, these include, Agenda Previews, Summary Reports and Future IMO Legislation documents. The agenda previews are prepared prior to meetings and provide an overview of the meeting, its agenda, provisional timetable and any documents produced by the IMO for this particular meeting. The reports provide a summary… Read more →

OPA 90: Increase in liability limits from USCG

On 13 August 2019, the United States Coast Guard issued a final rule in the Federal Register to provide for consumer price index adjustments of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90) limits of liability. The coast guard is required by statute to adjust the limits of OPA 90 not less than every three years to account for increases… Read more →


We are pleased to announce Eng. Santiago Torrijos Oro has joined INTERMARITIME GROUP as Vice President. As a team builder and expert in innovation, having under his belt more than 15 years’ experience in logistics, finance and more importantly customer service we are eager to put his knowledge and readiness to the service of our partners and clients worldwide. Eng… Read more →

IMO 2020: Whitepaper from KPMG

IMO 2020 marks the most recent culmination of efforts in decreasing the pollution exhibited by the maritime industry on the ecological life impacted by its day-to-day operations. This resolution from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) will have an impact throughout the industry which already is in the middle of a radical revamp, with everything being assessed on its efficiency, profitability… Read more →

IMO 2020 sulphur cap: Preparing for the Big Switch

From 1 January 2020, in accordance with MARPOL Annex VI, the sulphur content of fuel oil used on board commercial ships trading outside sulphur Emission Control Areas (ECAs) must not exceed 0.50% m/m. The 0.50% sulphur limit is a significant reduction from the current global limit of 3.50% m/m which has been in place since 2012. If you are one… Read more →

Legal decisions and developments in Shipping – Ince Gordon Dadds July 2019

The Shipping legal E-Brief is a regular publication providing you with key information on legal decisions and developments in shipping and related business areas provided by Ince Gordon Dadds. Subjects covered in this issue: The compensatory principle (re)applied by the Court of Appeal Expiry of class certificate under BARECON 89 did not automatically entitle owners to withdraw vessel Supreme Court… Read more →