. I like to party on New Year’s Eve. This year, though, my celebrations will be somewhat muted. That’s because when midnight strikes on December 31, it won’t just usher in 2019; it’ll also mean the end of open access to port state control data collected by the Paris MoU. The decision to do this poses a serious threat to… Read more →
Author: ICS Class
The IMO has launched a new international effort to combat the negative environmental impacts of biofouling. The GloFouling Partnerships project is a collaboration between the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the IMO. It will push the implementation of the IMO Guidelines for the control and management of ships’ biofouling, which provide a globally-consistent approach… Read more →
BIMCO – Paris MOU Port State Control inspection guide (05/2018)
More than 18,000 Port State Control inspections annually take place on board foreign ships in the Paris MoU ports, ensuring that these ships meet international safety, security and environmental standards, and that crew members have adequate living and working conditions. The basic principle is that the prime responsibility for compliance with the requirements laid down in the international maritime conventions lies with the shipowner/operator. The booklet can… Read more →
Agreement reached to increase minimum wage for seafarers
The International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) and the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), convened in Geneva at the Joint Maritime Commission Subcommittee on Seafarers Wages. The two organizations decided to update the minimum wage for an able seafarer by 27 USD over the next 3 years. ITF and ICS convened at the Joint Maritime Commission Subcommittee on Seafarers Wages, to review the… Read more →
How to harmonise de-coupled IOPP Certificates due to BWM
ClassNK has issued latest technical information referring to periodical survey in advance of survey window, explaining that with entry into force of the BWM Convention, IOPP and/or BWM Certificate (issued by some flag states) may be de-harmonized from Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC). In this case, the ship owners may be required to arrange periodical surveys twice a… Read more →
How to comply with China ECAs scheme
Credit: CSS China Classification Society published a report which summarizes the updated China ECAs Implementation scheme, and focuses on the distinction in emission control requirements among ports of Europe Union, Hong Kong and China. Currently there are three Emission Control Areas are defined, including Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, Bohai-rim Waters. On 4 December 2015The Chinese Ministry of Transport… Read more →
Liberia, USCG discuss BWM developments
The Liberian Registry recently co-hosted a round-table discussion with the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and twelve shipping companies to debate topical issues relating to ballast water. USCG Captain Scott Kelly gave a detailed description of the U.S. ballast water regulations, explaining that the U.S. regulations and type approval ratings differ from those prescribed by the IMO and that there is… Read more →
Port State Control to Move Away from Black, Gray, White Lists
Port state control regimes globally plan to move away from black, gray and white performance lists. Instead, they will focus on expanding an individual ship risk profile approach. The proposal came with a range of recommendations regarding harmonization and information sharing which were proposed at a recent workshop held at IMO headquarters. The workshop recommended that port state control… Read more →
BIMCO Reflections 2017 – Analysis on Critical Issues of the Shipping Industry
BIMCO is the world’s largest international shipping association, with 2,200 members in around 130 countries. The global membership includes shipowners, operators, managers, brokers and agents. BIMCO’s Reflections is published annually and is a very interesting, short and accessible analysis on the critical issues faced by the shipping industry today and in the coming years. Issues touched in the report: The shipping market in 2016… Read more →
DNVGL rolls out electronic (digital) certificates across entire fleet
For the past few years, DNVGL has been working on pilot projects with several owners and flag administrations, to test and gain acceptance for the use of electronic certificates. This has resulted in more than 45 flag state administrations already having granted DNVGL the authority to issue electronic statutory certificates on their behalf, with more acceptances expected in the near… Read more →