The Paris MoU has released its full annual report for 2016 highlighting a large increase in bans within the region: 20 bans compared to 11 in 2015.
The detention rate has also increased from 3.4 to 3.8 percent. The number of detainable deficiencies has increased 7.3 percent compared to 2015.
In 2016, the top five detention rates were for: general cargo/multipurpose ships
at 7.2 percent (up from 5.9 percent in 2015); high speed passenger craft (up from 3.6 to 3.7 percent); refrigerated cargo ships at 3.5 percent (down from 4.6 percent); bulk carrier at 3.3 percent (down from 3.6 percent) and tugs at 2.9 percent (down from 4.7 percent).
The five most frequently recorded deficiencies in 2016 were ISM (4.4 percent, 1,838), fire doors/openings in fire-resisting divisions (2.6 percent, 1,078), nautical publications (2.5 percent, 1,049), charts (2.2 percent, 922) and oil record book (1.7 percent, 706).
“It is not surprising that the overall detention percentage has increased this year, for the first time since 2013,” says Secretary-General, Richard Schiferli. “Under the rising economic pressures, shipowners may chose to cut corners in areas where this is possible, in order to reduce the operating costs of their ships and to remain competitive. Often manning and maintenance are the areas of choice. Although the overall detention percentage is still low when compared with years ago, the Paris MoU will remain vigilant and ensure that sub-standard shipping will not be able to flourish.”
Over the past three years most ships have been banned for multiple detentions (46). Five ships have been banned for a second time. A significant number of ships (five) were banned for failing to call at the indicated repair yard. The one remaining case involved a ship which jumped the detention by sailing without authorization. Over a three year period the flags of the Republic of Moldova, the United Republic of Tanzania and Togo have recorded the highest number of bannings.
In 2016, port state control officers in the Paris MoU region performed a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006 from September 1 to November 30, 2016. The aim of the CIC was to verify that the minimum standards for working and living conditions have been implemented on board. The Paris MoU is satisfied with the overall result. The campaign resulted in 42 detentions (1.1 percent) directly linked to the MLC, 2006 requirements.
Looking at the Paris MoU White, Grey and Black List the overall situation regarding the quality of shipping seems to be stabilizing, said the MoU in a statement. Although some flag states have changed lists, the total amount of 42 flags on the “White list” is similar to 2015 (43).
This year there were no new entries to the White List. The Republic of Korea moved from the White List to the Grey List. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines moved from the Black List to the Grey List. Palau and Vanuatu moved from the Grey List to the Black List. In 2016, there were 12 flags on the Black List (11 in 2015), with the Republic of the Congo recording the worst performance.
With 1,213 inspections and 227 detentions the ships flying a black listed flag had a detention rate of 18.7 percent, which is considerably higher than the 11.2 percent in 2015 and 11.7 percent in 2014. For ships flying a grey listed flag the detention rate was 5.5 percent, which is significantly lower than 8.6 percent in 2015. For ships flying a white listed flag the detention rate was 2.6 percent which is at the same level as 2015 (2.5 percent) and 2014 (2.4 percent).
The report is available here.